The following is an overview of some of the programs & support groups available at Life with Cancer. To register for one of our upcoming classes or support groups, see our calendar.
Support & Networking
- Breast Cancer Groups
- Stage 0-3 Support Groups: For women diagnosed with stage 0-3 breast cancer who are no more than 2 years out of active treatment.
- In-Person at Fairfax Family Center
- In-Person at Inova Loudoun Hospital-LWC Suite
- Virtual/Online
- Coalesce - Advanced Breast Cancer Support Group: This group is for any patient living with metastatic breast cancer. Join us to meet with women of all ages to share life’s joys and sorrows.
- Triple Negative Breast Cancer Support Group: Provides a safe space to connect with others about the experience of having triple negative breast cancer.
- Young Women with Breast Cancer: For women in their 20s, 30s and 40s with stage 0-3 breast cancer who are no more than 2 years out of active treatment.
- Young Adults with Metastatic Breast Cancer: For patients in their 20s, 30s and 40s who are navigating the world of metastatic breast cancer.
- Stage 0-3 Support Groups: For women diagnosed with stage 0-3 breast cancer who are no more than 2 years out of active treatment.
- Brain Tumor Support & Networking: A monthly group for adult patients and family members to share and learn ways to meet the challenges of living with primary malignant or benign brain tumors.
- Carcinoid Cancer Support & Networking: Meet with other patients and their adult loved ones to share experiences and learn from one another in this patient-led monthly meeting for those with carcinoid tumors, a type of neuroendocrine tumors. For more information, email
- Caregiver Connection: A monthly meeting providing support to anyone dealing with the challenges of caring for a loved one with cancer. Learn coping strategies for caring for oneself while caring for your loved one.
- Colorectal Cancer: A quarterly meeting featuring speakers and topics of interest for patients, survivors and loved ones.
- Gastrointestinal Cancer Support Group: This support group is for people impacted by a stage 0-3 gastrointestinal cancer diagnosis: esophagus, stomach, biliary system, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus. Connect with patients, survivors, and loved ones to discuss the changes that treatment and survivorship can bring.
- Gynecological Cancer Support & Networking: A monthly meeting for women diagnosed with ovarian, cervical and any gynecological cancer to share experiences and learn from one another.
- Head and Neck Cancers Support & Networking: A monthly meeting for current and former head and neck cancer patients and their significant others to learn from and connect with one another.
- Leukemia and Lymphoma Support & Networking: A monthly meeting featuring speakers and topics of interest for Leukemia and Lymphoma patients and their loved ones.
- Living with Advanced Disease Support & Networking: Monthly and bimonthly meetings to explore and learn ways to learn to live with an advanced cancer and the many questions and life decisions that come along with the diagnosis.
- Lung Cancer: A monthly meeting for patients and loved ones to discuss the challenges of living with lung cancer and its treatment.
- Melanoma: A quarterly meeting featuring speakers and topics of interest to Melanoma patients, survivors and their loved ones.
- Multiple Myeloma: A monthly meeting featuring speakers, topics of interest and group discussion for patients, survivors and loved ones.
- Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) Support Group & Networking: A monthly meeting using discussion, problem solving and other modalities to help you gain insight into life with MDS.
- Prostate Cancer: A monthly "US TOO" meeting featuring special topics and group discussion for patients, survivors and loved ones.
- Spirituality Quest: A monthly meeting to explore our spiritual paths. Various non-religious topic will be open for discussed.
- Women's Survivorship Support & Networking: A monthly meeting using discussion, problem solving and other modalities to help you gain insight and move forward in your life after cancer.
- Young Adult Support & Networking: A monthly meeting to talk about things that no one else wants to talk about: dating, employment, fertility, and anything else that affects people in the 18-39 age range. This is not your grandmother's support group.
Education & Information
- Breast Cancer
- Breast Cancer Pre-Operative (Pre-Op) Class: Takes place several times a month at various times. If you are scheduled for a mastectomy, mastectomy with reconstruction or lumpectomy with reconstruction this educational class will help you prepare for surgery. You will receive an overview of what to expect from our oncology nurse navigator. Learn what you need to know before, during and after breast cancer surgery: node biopsy, managing drains and discomfort, bathing, moving comfortably, prosthesis and more. Family/friends welcome.
- Special expert talks (physicians, Oncology Nurse Navigators, etc.) and symposiums throughout the year such as
- Updates from the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium
- Chemotherapy during Breast Cancer
- Breast Cancer Rehabilitation Program - Survivorship Series
- Her2+ and Her2 Low
- Advanced Breast Cancer – Your Scan Questions Answered
- Building Resilience: Introduces you to strategies for cultivating and building your own resilience through the cancer journey and survivorship.
- Integrative Psycho-Oncology Program Series: view the four courses under Stress Reduction below.
- Orientation to Life with Cancer: Take a tour of our Family Center and learn about our many free classes, groups and services for children and adults. Contact us.
- Planning Ahead: This four-week series is for anyone, wherever you are on your cancer journey and includes such topics as; creating and crafting your legacy, ethical wills, palliative and hospice care, developing a road map to dealing with a life-threatening disease, planning a service of remembrance, estate planning, advanced directives and other practical and legal issues.
- Strategies for Improving Brain Fog Series: Understand the cognitive consequences of cancer treatment and learn strategies to mitigate the impact that can accompany cognitive decline.
- Survivorship Nutrition: A Registered Dietitian will review the latest evidence and provide ideas and resources on how to adjust your own diet to help decrease the risk of cancer recurrence.
- Need Sleep?: Learn evidence-based tools for getting back to sleep.
- Nutrition During...
- Gynecologic Radiation Treatment: This class is offered weekly and intended for patients who are about to start or are currently undergoing radiation therapy for gynecologic cancers. We will discuss common side effects of pelvic radiation and nutritional strategies for managing them. Opportunity for Q&A at the end of class.
- Prostate Radiation Treatment: This class is intended for patients who are about to start or are currently undergoing radiation therapy for prostate cancer. We will discuss common side effects of pelvic radiation and nutritional strategies for managing them. Opportunity for Q&A at the end of class.
- Sexual Health: The following classes are offered quarterly.
- Let's Talk about Sex: Women's Sexual Health & Cancer: Have you ever wondered how a cancer diagnosis can affect your sex life? This class is for you! Join us to learn about the impacts of cancer on sexual health for men and strategies to address these challenges.
- What Every Man Should Know about Cancer & Sexual Health: Have you ever wondered how a cancer diagnosis can affect your sex life? This class is for you! Join us to learn about the impacts of cancer on sexual health for men and strategies to address these challenges.
- Tools for Couples: Learn how you and your partner can navigate the life changes brought about by a cancer diagnosis while maintain a strong relationship. Learn strategies for coping with the emotions that can interfere with your relationship--anger, mood swings, spouse fears, and depression, how to create a powerful team and avoid common conflict points.
Stress Reduction
- Healing through Art Therapy:
Experience the power of your creativity through art therapy, relaxation and guided imagery. This group provides opportunities for reflection and personal growth while creating with a variety of art media and approaches. This group is for those currently in treatment, out of treatment within 2 years, caregivers and bereaved within 2 years. Artistic ability is NOT required.
- Integrative Psycho-Oncology Program (IPOP)
- Mind over Matter: Learn specific tips and tools to deal with the fears, worries and sadness that can come up during a cancer journey.
- Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR): Learn practices that focus on the connection and integration of the mind and body to effect changes on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels for the purpose of promoting health and well-being. We recommend individuals complete Mind over Matter prior to MBCR.
- Compassion Cultivation Training: Learn practices to support your health, increase self-compassion and self-care, and enhance connections with others. Compassion Cultivation Training is open to people who have completed Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery.
- Meaning Center Psychotherapy Group: Learn to foster a sense of meaning, peace and purpose in life exploring different sources of meaning.
- Meditation and Guided Imagery: Join in a relaxing exploration of the power and benefits of meditation. Each session begins with breath-work and a relaxation technique that leads into a guided meditation.
- Energy Therapies: A certified Reiki practitioner or Healing Touch provider will help you experience the benefits of this ancient practice involving the positioning of hands along the body to direct energy, release tension and discomfort, and enhance well-being.
- Qi Gong: Body, Mind, & Breath: Learn to use the internal tools of your mind, body, and breath to promote wellness. Explore how breathing, guided meditation, and gentle movement may impact your emotional and physical well-being.
- Barre Tone: This full body workout is ideal for those who want to sculpt, strengthen, and increase flexibility, while enjoying the infusion of dance.
- Buff Bones: This workout helps to build stronger bones as well as tone and fine-tune major muscle groups for strength and total-body conditioning
- Belly Dance: Learn shimmies, belly rolls, undulations, isolations and more as you feel your body getting stronger, more relaxed and more limber.
- Cardio & Core: Target your core muscles using variations of familiar moves, while increasing cardio endurance by adding interval training exercises.
- Cardio Drumming: Combining drumming, cardio and strength training, Cardio Drumming is an energetic, full body workout.
- Chair-Based Exercise: This biweekly class will help to increase heart rate, range of motion, flexibility and tone and strengthen muscles.
- Cross-Train Challenge: Appropriate for medium to experienced fitness levels. This class fuses together different intensities and types of movement to keep your body guessing while you get stronger.
- EZ Tai Chi: Using the protocols developed in the "Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi", you will learn 5 basic movements that are easy to learn and can be practiced at home
- Functional Fitness: Using resistance equipment, body weight and different movement patterns you'll build strength, cardio, flexibility and balance.
- Gentle Yoga and Evening Gentle Yoga:
Gentle Yoga uses conscious breathing and postures to promote body awareness and postural alignment which brings a deep sense of peace. Each class includes movements that stretch, strengthen and relax muscles to improve flexibility, and general range of motion, strengthen bone density, concentration, balance and lung function.
- Keeping Fit: This weekly class offers a combination of standing and floor exercises.
- Men's Fitness Workshop: Regain strength, flexibility and balance. This class will help you create a program you can easily do on your own
- Restorative Yoga: This class uses bolsters, blocks, and blankets to support the body to allow participants to easily melt into a pose. Gentle stretches, breath work and guided meditation deepens ones practice.
- Strengthen with Barre and Pilates: You'll combine barre and Pilates' movements set to motivating music to create an invigorating workout.
- Tai Chi: Practiced at a slow and even speed, Tai Chi promotes relaxation, straight posture, and balance.
- Total Body Conditioning: An energizing workout combining cardio, strengthening, balance, and core in one workout.
- Yin Yoga for Patients in Treatment: Incorporating gentle movement and supported positions, Yin Yoga targets the deepest tissues of the body allowing increases in range of motion and promoting optimal health and vitality.
- Yoga Sculpt: this class is appropriate for those with intermediate to advanced levels of fitness. It combines yoga, light weight training, core work and cardio, for a full body workout
- Zumba: Zumba combines slow and fast rhythms with resistance training, while toning the body and cardiovascular system. Adding some Latin flavor and enthusiasm to the mix, it can help to lift one's mood and improve one's general sense of well being.
Need help registering for a program or support? Unsure where to begin? Give us a call today!