Multiple Myeloma

If you have multiple myeloma, you might have many questions about what this disease is, how it is treated, and ways to manage side effects.

Looking for answers about multiple myeloma?
We're here to help; contact us.

Find Support & Information

  • Contact us for personalized help. Speak with a skilled and caring oncology nurse navigator or oncology therapist who has experience working with individuals with multiple myeloma and their families.
  • Attend our Multiple Myeloma group to meet others facing the same issues. The Multiple Myeloma group is facilitated by an experienced oncology therapist and nurse. Caregivers are also welcome to attend. The format of the group alternates monthly with open discussion and special guest speakers. Topics include the following:
    • Various treatment options, including maintenance therapy and stem cell transplant.
    • Clinical trials.
    • How to manage side effects of neuropathy, fatigue, and pain.
    • Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty.
    • Understanding lab tests, staging, bone health, and relapse.
  • Register for programs that can support you. Individuals with multiple myeloma may specifically benefit from our exercise, yoga, and nutrition classes as well as programs on pain management and palliative care to manage symptoms. Stress management programs may also be helpful, including exploring mind-body techniques and expressive arts.
  • For partners and family members, check out our Caregiver Connection group or Tools for Couples, a four-week series.
  • Consult with one of our therapists or your physician about getting a referral to see our psychiatrist/psycho-oncologist to assess mood and medication (for a fee).


  • International Myeloma Foundation (IMF): Tells about myeloma and treatment options; offers videos and webcasts as well as support by phone, online, or in person.
  • Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation: Gives patient information, establishes studies, and hosts an online community where patients can share their to help the search for better, more targeted treatments. Find a support group, clinical trial, or cancer center through the website.
Looking for support along your journey? Contact us!